Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Air India is grounded

The Indian Airline industry is going trough rough time, bad winds, high waves whatever you want to call this. just few months ago the crisis of Kingfisher airline company was all over the news. The company was on the edge of a bankruptcy where the well predicted scenario of pilots demandind more money, strikes, flights cancellations were all part of the festival.
Now it is Air India's turn to bring the problems of the Aviation industry in India back to the upper headlines.
it looks like there is a serious and deep problem in India with regards to India's Aviation industry which are being exposed this year.
Air India's pilots are sticking now for the second day in a row which naturally causes many flights cancellations and many upset people on the Airports. 
let's see if the Indian government will lift the glove up and realize that there is a big problem with many unpredictable consequence to sort out..

if that is not enough and you'd like to end the article with symbolic not:  Arjun Munda Jarkhand CM chopper   crashed down. Fortunately the CM and his wife Meera with all the cruet all ended up with minor injuries. 

Fasten Your Sit-belts guys:) 


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